Welcome to my resume website


My name is Asya Dente, I'm a student in Boston University pursuing a Computer Science degree along with a very strong Entrepreneurship interest. I believe my good organization allows me to link different areas of study together easily as well as learn new skills quickly. I'm passionate about public service and community involvement; and believe in using technology to make a positive impact on the world. After college, I would like to pursue a career in Quantum Computing within the cyber security field.

Major: Computer Science
Minors: Hospitality, Philosophy

My Skills

I have some experience in full stack. Some of the following projects will show its practice. I have also studied a bit of assembly language. It was very useful as it made me feel closer to the machine when coding.

  • Python, Java, C, PHP
  • HTML, ReactJS, Javascript, CSS
  • SQL
  • Assembly Language

My Projects

I believe projects are a crucial part in Computer Science as it shows creativity and knowledge in many different ways. A fun way to put in practice what I've learnt (in school as well as self-taught).

  • Facebook Clone
  • Resume Website
  • Research Paper

Facebook Clone

December 2022


This clone was made in order to help the company SMIP. As a tech consultant, I had to develop this clone for the company to test out some of their programs. I had no experience prior to this project regarding React JS.

Tech Stack:
React JS, Javascript, CSS (Following a tutorial)
Building this simplistic clone of Facebook has helped me explore different programming languages. I had to use both Front-End as well as Back-End to complete it.

Challenges Encountered:
I definitely encountered many challenges; many because of the different updates, as well as when using Firebase, and towards the end when my code just decided not to work anymore. But the updates were crucial as it was hard figuring out what had to be changed accordingly.

Resume Website

September 2022 - Present


This website was made with the purpose of showcasing some of my projects as well as sharing my appreciation for the subject. This experience has helped me develop my skills in Front-End.

Tech Stack:
HTML5, CSS, Javascript (Self-taught)
Building this website has helped me learn more about Front-End languages in a fun and creative way. I took a template from html5up.net and modified it accordingly to my liking.

Challenges Encountered:
I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to import videos onto the website as github requires payment to do so (large files). Instead I used YouTube to screenrecord my projects and directly use the embedded link to the video onto my website.

Cyber Security and Quantum Computers

January 2021 - July 2021

Project (research with presentation)

This paper contains my research on one of my final projects in the French Bac; the topic was based on how Cyber Security could be at risk because of Quantum Computers.

Contact Me

  • Name: Asya Dente
  • E-mail: asyadlam@bu.edu
  • Phone Number: +1 (617) 834 7325
  • Home: Boston